⭐ RAW Spread Forex Brokers

RAW spreads = no mark-up interbank spreads

  • RAW Spread Forex accounts offer lowest possible spread by streaming prices directly from liquidity providers
  • There are no mark-ups/mark-downs on spread, but there is commission
  • RAW Spread accounts are considered to be the best choice for:
    • scalping
    • high frequency trading
    • auto-trading, EAs
RAW spreads = no mark-up interbank spreads ...read more
  • RAW Spread Forex accounts offer lowest possible spread by streaming prices directly from liquidity providers
  • There are no mark-ups/mark-downs on spread, but there is commission
  • RAW Spread accounts are considered to be the best choice for:
    • scalping
    • high frequency trading
    • auto-trading, EAs

Compare RAW Spread Forex Brokers

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  • Spread EURUSD
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Forex broker
Min deposit
Spread type Spread* Commission** Type CountryCountry Regulation Platforms Speed LPs Total DOM Popularity
1 $RAW0 pips0.2 $ MM, DMA Seychelles, South Africa, Mauritius Seychelles, South Africa, MauritiusFSA, FSCA, FSCPrimeXBT7.2 ms12x Average
10000 $RAW0 pips0 $ DMA, ECN pricing Greece GreeceHCMCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, ActTrader21 ms5 Low
1 $RAW0 pips5 $ MM, STP, ECN marketing Cyprus CyprusCySECMT5, MT5 WebTerminal, AAATrader Web4 ms4 Low
1 $RAW0 pips10 $ MM, STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminal9 Lowest
10000 $RAW0 pips5 $ STP, DMA Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal30 ms16 Low
100 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA UK UKFCAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal150 ms5 High
100000 $RAW0 pips4 $ DMA Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.ASICMT4, Fortex 5, Fortex 6, Currenex, DMAhub30 ms9 Low
1000 $RAW0 pips0 $ DMA, ECN Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT5, MT5 WebTerminal10 ms20 Low
1 $RAW0 pips DMACambodiaCambodiaSEC CambodiaMT4, MT5x Lowest
1 $RAW0 pips DMA Australia AustraliaNFA USMT4, Equinixx Lowest
200 $RAW0 pips5 $ MM, STP, DMA, ECN marketingCook IslandsCook IslandsFSC Cook IslandsMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Autochartist30 ms Average
500 $RAW0 pips4 $ STP, ECN pricing Belize BelizeFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal14 Low
100 $RAW0 pips6 $ DMA SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminalx Low
500 $RAW0 pips5.4 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Cyprus CyprusCySECMT55 ms2 Low
50 $RAW0 pips6 $ DMA, ECN pricing Mauritius MauritiusFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal3x Low
10000 $RAW0 pips14 $ STP, DMA Mauritius MauritiusFSCMT40 msx Average
3000 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT5 Low
1 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA Cyprus CyprusCySECMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, Autochartist10 ms20x High
50 $RAW0 pips6 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing BVI BVIFSCMT44 msx Average
500 $RAW0 pips5 $ STP, ECN pricing Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal30 ms7 Low
50000 $RAW0 pips3.9 $ ECN Australia AustraliaASICCurrenex, Hotspot, FxAll Low
5000 $RAW0 pips5 $ STP, DMA Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, Autochartist11 ms3 Average
10000 $RAW0 pips5 $ STP, ECN marketing Mauritius MauritiusFSCMT5, MT5 WebTerminal1000 ms4 Low
5000 $RAW0 pips STP, ECN marketing South Africa South AfricaFSCAMT4, MT4 WebTerminalx Low
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal0 ms7 Average
150 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, cTrader, MT5 Average
500 $RAW0 pips10 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing Marshall Isl. Marshall Isl.Not regulatedMT4x Low
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, STP, DMA Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT5, MT5 WebTrader10 Lowest
1000 $RAW0 pips10 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT5100 ms Average
100 $RAW0 pips8 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4x Lowest
100 $RAW0 pips0 $ MM, ECNComorosComorosMISA ComorosMT47 Low
500 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA, ECN pricing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal10x Low
20000 $RAW0 pips STP, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT5 Low
100 $RAW0 pips4 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminal30 ms50 Low
1000 $RAW0 pips MM, STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMobius Trader 7x Lowest
200 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA UK UKFCAMT4, MT5 Low
500 $RAW0 pips5 $ DMA UK UKFCAMT4, MT534 ms2 Average
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT58 Low
500 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminal Low
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminal30 ms Average
5000 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA UK UKFCAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal20 msx Low
1 $RAW0 pips10 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT4, MT5 Low
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal150 ms5 High
1 $RAW0 pips7 $ DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT5100 ms Low
1000 $RAW0 pips10 $ ECN pricing Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT410x Low
500 $RAW0 pips5 $ STP, DMA South Africa South AfricaFSCAMT4, MT53 Low
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal10 ms4 High
50 $RAW0 pips6 $ MM, DMA BVI BVIFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader Average
100 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT5100 ms Low
1 $RAW0 pips6 $ MM, DMA US USCFTC, NFA USFOREXTrader, MT4, MT4 WebTerminal, Advanced Trading0 ms High
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal2 ms10 Low
1 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing UK UKFCAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal24 ms7x Low
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, STP, DMA, ECN pricing Australia AustraliaASICMT50.01 ms6 Lowest
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA, ECN pricing Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal0.01 ms5x Low
100 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal37 ms12 High
25 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT550 ms3 Low
100 $RAW0 pips10 $ STP, DMA SVG SVGNot regulatedMT41 ms7x Low
1 $RAW0 pips5 $ DMA Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal6 Average
1 $RAW0 pips0 $ STP, ECN marketing Cyprus CyprusCySECMT480 ms Average
10 $RAW0 pips4.5 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing Bermuda BermudaNot regulatedMT460 msx Low
1 $RAW0 pips7 $ DMA Belize BelizeFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal7 ms High
500 $RAW0 pips7.5 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing Bermuda BermudaNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminalx Low
2500 $RAW0 pips8 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Cyprus CyprusCySECMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal6 ms4 Low
5 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT5, MT5 WebTerminal120 ms High
300 $RAW0 pips3 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing UK UKFCAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT51 ms15 High
100 $RAW0 pips8 $ STP, ECN marketing Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT40.14 msx Low
1000 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA, ECN pricing Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal80 ms15x Low
5 €RAW0 pips2 $ DMA, ECN pricing Cyprus CyprusCySECMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, ActTrader, Autochartist15 ms1 Average
1000 €RAW0 pips6 $ MM, DMA Cyprus CyprusCySECMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal60 ms3 Low
1000 $RAW0 pips20 $ STP, DMA Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT51 ms20 Lowest
2500 $RAW0 pips20 $ DMASaint LuciaSaint LuciaFSRA Saint LuciaMT5, MT5 WebTerminal14 ms5 Lowest
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ DMA, ECN pricing Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal1 ms24 Average
100 $RAW0 pips4 $ MM, STP, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, GMI Edge15x Average
5000 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.CIMAMT4, MT5, GTrader Low
200 $RAW0 pips6 $ MM Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Autochartist0 ms22 Average
3000 $RAW0 pips5 $ DMA, ECN pricing Mauritius MauritiusFSCMT4, MT5, cTrader, Autochartist10 Average
1000 $RAW0 pips2 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Seychelles SeychellesNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal Average
100 $RAW0 pips3 $ STP, DMA South Africa South AfricaFSCAMT4, MT5160 ms High
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader36 ms15 High
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA, ECN pricing UK UKFCAMT413 ms1x Low
1000 £RAW0 pips6 $ MM, DMA Bermuda BermudaBMAMT4, ProRealTime, IG Trading Web platform, L2 dealer12 High
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT52000 ms Average
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader10 ms4 Lowest
1 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, JRFX App14 msx Low
1000 $RAW0 pips8 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, Juno Auto Trader200 msx Low
100 $RAW0 pips2 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Cyprus CyprusCySECMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal50 ms6 Average
100 $RAW0 pips6 $ MM, DMA SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal2 High
10000 $RAW0 pips STP, ECN marketing Marshall Isl. Marshall Isl.Not regulatedMT4x Lowest
100 $RAW0 pips8 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Mauritius MauritiusFSCMT4380 msx Average
200 $RAW0 pips5 $ MM, STP, ECN pricing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, WebTrader10 ms25 Lowest
5000 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT46 ms15x Low
1000 $RAW0 pips0.3 $ MM, DMA, ECN pricing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal35 ms8 Low
10000 $RAW0 pips4.5 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.CIMA, SCB, CySEC, FCALCGTrader, MT4, MT4 WebTerminalx Average
200 $RAW0 pips12 $ STP, ECN marketingLabuan, CyprusLabuan, CyprusLFSA, CySECMT4x Average
50 $RAW0 pips10 $ MM, STP, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT51 High
50 $RAW0 pips10 $ MM, STP, ECN marketing Cyprus CyprusCySECMT4, MT5 Low
10000 $RAW0 pips5 $ ECN UK UKFCALMAX85 ms Average
100 $RAW0 pips8 $ MM, DMA SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal5 msx Average
500 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA Seychelles SeychellesFSAcTrader30 ms25x Average
100 $RAW0 pips8 $ DMA, ECN marketing Vanuatu VanuatuVFSC, FMAMT5, MT5 WebTerminal200 ms12 Low
10000 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, STP, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4x Lowest
50 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, STP, DMA Mauritius MauritiusFSCMT4, MT5, MT5 WebTerminalx Lowest
1 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal1 ms10x Low
500 $RAW0 pips8 $ STP, ECN marketing UK UKNot regulatedMT5 Low
10000 $RAW0 pips8 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT5x Low
200 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT5, WebTrader250 ms7 Average
500 $RAW0 pips8 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, Autochartistx Average
200 $RAW0 pips10 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedTradeLocker10 msx Average
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMASaint LuciaSaint LuciaFSRA Saint LuciaMT5, MT5 WebTerminal, MT4500 ms1x High
3000 $RAW0 pips16 $ MM, DMA, ECN pricing Malta MaltaMFSAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, JForex7x Average
25000 $RAW0 pips MM, STP, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT5100 msx Low
50 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing Cyprus CyprusCySECMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal30 ms10x Average
1000 $RAW0 pips10 $ MM, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminal1 ms0 Average
5000 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketingSaint LuciaSaint LuciaFSRA Saint LuciaMT51 Low
1 $RAW0 pips10 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminal12 ms30 Lowest
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA Australia AustraliaASICMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader, Autochartist40 ms22 High
5 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, ECN pricing Belize BelizeNot regulatedMT4, Mobius Trader200 ms8x Low
1000 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Autochartist, PU Prime App150 ms22 Average
200 $RAW0 pips5 $ MM, DMA Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT4, MT515 Low
1 $RAW0 pips4 $ DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5200 ms5 Low
10 $RAW0 pips4 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing Belize BelizeFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader400 ms8 High
50 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal160 msx Average
25000 $RAW0 pips10 $ STP, DMA, ECN Sweden SwedenFIMT4, cTrader, Currenex10 ms3 Low
20000 $RAW0 pips6 $ MM, STP, DMA Belize BelizeFSCMT5, MT5 WebTerminal60 ms10 Average
5000 $RAW0 pips10 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal15 ms17x Low
10 $RAW0 pips1.5 $ STP, ECN pricing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, WebTrader200 ms8 Low
5000 $RAW0 pips10 $ STP, DMA Cyprus CyprusCySECMT4, MT580 ms4 Average
50 $RAW0 pips STP, DMA, ECN pricing Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Web Trader13 Average
1 $RAW0 pips0 $ MM, STP, ECN pricing Belize BelizeFSCMT40 ms4 High
100 $RAW0 pips4 $ STP, ECN pricing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, Svo Trader100 ms8x Low
200 $RAW0 pips8 $ MM, STP, ECN pricing Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT57 ms30 Average
100 $RAW0 pips8 $ STP, ECN pricing Nevis NevisNot regulatedMT45 Low
100 $RAW0 pips4 $ MM, DMA UK UKFCAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, Autochartist150 msx High
200 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5300 ms50 Average
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT5, IRESS30 ms7 Average
200 $RAW0 pips5.5 $ DMA Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT4, cTrader20 ms12x Low
1000 $RAW0 pips7 $ MM, STP, DMA Seychelles SeychellesFSATN Trader, MT4, MT4 WebTerminal0 ms1x Low
3000 $RAW0 pips MM, STP marketing, ECN marketing Australia AustraliaASICMT5, MT5 WebTerminal Low
2000 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Bermuda BermudaBMAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal100 ms4 High
10 $RAW0 pips3 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Dominica DominicaNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader500 ms12 Average
25000 $RAW0 pips5 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.CIMAMT4, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal, Currenex, cTrader20 ms50 High
10 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, ECN marketing UK UKNot regulatedTrendox Low
25000 $RAW0 pips11 $ MM, STP, DMA, ECN marketing Mauritius MauritiusFSCMT4, MT4 WebTerminal90 ms4 Low
1000 $RAW0 pips20 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Marshall Isl. Marshall Isl.Not regulatedMT4x Lowest
100 $RAW0 pips7 $ DMA, ECN pricing Malaysia MalaysiaLFSAMT4, MT510 ms2 Lowest
1 $RAW0 pips6 $ MM, DMA, ECN pricing UK UKFCAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5159 ms12 Average
500 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.CIMAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT5, MT5 WebTerminal250 ms14 Average
5000 $RAW0 pips0 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing UK UKFCAMT4, cTrader20 ms20x Low
5000 $RAW0 pips8 $ MM, DMA, ECN marketing Mauritius MauritiusFSCMT5, MT5 WebTerminal Average
200 $RAW0 pips5 $ STP, DMA, ECN-pricing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT429 ms14x Low
100 $RAW0 pips6 $ STP, ECN pricing Cayman Isl. Cayman Isl.CIMAMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, MT517 Low
10 $RAW0 pips15 $ STP, DMA Vanuatu VanuatuVFSCMT4, MT5100 ms Average
10000 $RAW0 pips0 $ DMA, STP SVG SVGNot regulatedMT4, MT4 WebTerminal, XFLOWx Low
250 $RAW0 pips7 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing Marshall Isl. Marshall Isl.Not regulatedMT4x Low
500 $RAW0 pips12 $ STP, DMA, ECN pricing Seychelles SeychellesFSAMT415 ms6x Low
5000 $RAW0 pips0 $ MM, ECN marketingSaint LuciaSaint LuciaFSRA Saint LuciaMT5x Average
10 $RAW0 pips10 $ STP, DMA, ECN marketing SVG SVGNot regulatedMT5, MT5 WebTerminal, cTrader20 ms2x Low
* EURUSD Spread as low as
** Commission per standard lot Round Turn

Which Forex Broker has the LOWEST Spread?

RAW Spread Forex brokers will always offer the lowest spreads.
The reason for that being is simple - they don't add mark-ups (mark-downs) on spreads received from their Liquidity Providers.

What is the RAW Spread?

When it comes to conventional accounts (with Market Makers and STPs) Forex brokers add a small markup to Clients' spread.
When it comes to RAW spread accouns, Forex brokers give Clients the spread as they get it, without adding any markups whatsoever. In other words, with RAW spread accounts, Forex brokers handle Clients' spreads at the same cost they get them.

Which Forex Broker has the TIGHTEST spread?

The tightest possible spread in Forex is 0 pips. This is when the difference between Ask and Bid price is none, e.g. zero.
0 pips spreads are only possible when:
a) A broker has a large number of liquidity providers, quality providers competing for price
b) A broker charges commission on Forex trading

Which is the BEST broker with low spread?

Forex broker who has the highest number of the Liquidity Providers will most of the time be the best broker when it comes to Spreads.
Commission cost will also be lower with better liquidity.
In addition, a well-regulated Forex broker will always outperform a non-regulated competitor.

Can Brokers charge NO SPREAD and 0$ commission?

Forex broker who advertise 0 pips and 0$ commission is NOT a workable business model by default.
Forex brokers need to earn money by facilitating traders orders on the market (or over the counter).
Therefore 0 pips 0 commission Forex brokers either:
a) never deliver 0 pips spread
b) aren't truthful about trading conditions in general
c) won't last long in business due to their chosen "non-profit" business model...

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